
Swedish Sport for Development Accelerator Programme

Developing and Strengthening the Sport for Development Sector in Sweden.

Introducing Laureus Sport for Good's latest research report: “Sport for Development in the Swedish context and what role Swedish organisations can play in society”.
Laureus and the Swedish Postcode Foundation joint-commissioned this research project to characterize Sport for Change in the Swedish context and to explore the role that Swedish Sport for Change organisations could play in Swedish society.
Sport and physical activity can be used to achieve a myriad of social impact objectives, including social and community inclusion, disability and gender equality. It is a powerful and cost-effective tool that has the ability to assist children and youths in achieving their full potential.

This research is a practical tool to help organisations understand the Sport for Change landscape in Sweden and the role they can play to boost it: barriers, opportunities and key stakeholders to lead the way forward.

The research team carried out 50 semi-structured in-depth interviews, either in-person or remotely, to stakeholders in Sweden, together with extensive desk-based research to triangulate, test and complement findings from qualitative interviews.
In a partnership which will provide a welcome boost to the Sport for Development sector in Sweden, Laureus Sport for Good and Svenska Postkodstiftelsen (the Swedish Postcode Foundation) launched earlier this year the ‘Swedish Sport for Development Accelerator Programme’. 
This is an ambitious and explorative initiative that looks to kickstart a new era for the sector in Sweden.  
To achieve this, there will be three key elements to the programme, each collaborating with Sport for Development partners in different ways and consisting of a range of activities: 
This year in June we invited Sport for Development organisations in Sweden to apply to the Practitioner Accelerator. An initiative aiming to provide 12-month bespoke organisational development support to a reduce group of organisations. 
The support package will be co-defined with the organisation, based on their needs and priorities across four broad areas: organisational architecture (vision, strategy, values etc.), programme effectiveness and quality, governance and compliance, and fundraising.
After the selection process that took place in July, we are now delighted to announce the 6 organisations that Laureus Sport for Good and the Swedish Postcode have recruited to be part of the first Sport for Development Practitioner Accelerator in Sweden. 
During the next 12 months, we will facilitate collaboration to improve further their capacity to, firstly, deliver high-impact Sport for Development work in Sweden, and secondly, help promote the work they do and raise awareness of the use of sport to address social issues in Sweden. 
We proudly introduce:
Bara Vanlig Hälsa – is an inclusive running project that spans multiple sites across Sweden. The focus is on participation, joy of movement and community. 
Bara Vanlig was founded in 2016 by Niclas Wennerlund and his daughter Melina. Melina has a cognitive function impairment and when they realised how limited the range of training options for people with disabilities they decided to take matter into their own hands. This was the start of Bara Vanlig and through the years it has grown from being just Niclas, his daughter and her assistants running together to several running groups across the country, some with as many as 25 participants. All participants run, walk or roll depending on their prerequisites and their participants is 100% voluntary.
Bara Vanlig relies on Bara Vanlig Metoden which is a method created by Niclas Wennerlund which has its basis in Self-determination Theory, MI and basic neurology. The method is centred around communication and participation and is the foundation of everything that we do. Our participants are used to have other people making all their decisions but at Bara Vanlig they are in charge.

Sparks Generation – Today, too many young people suffer from mental and physical illness, feel lonely and lack meaningful extracurricular activities, where they can grow, feel joy, meaning and connection with others.  

Our purpose is to inspire young people to explore and develop their inner passion, by making it easier to find and try different activities where they can have fun, meet new friends, grow self-esteem and develop skills required for adulthood and working life. We contribute to a more inclusive and sustainable society where everyone can be their best self. 

Sparks Generation is a non profit association, launched in April 2019 and so far we have helped over 1400 young people try many different activities in sports, arts, music and programming. 

Our youth-co-created method consist of local SPARKS-youths ambassadors inspiring other youth both on social media, at activities and in schools and our scalable platform where youth can find all local extra-curricular activities that are offered, hence letting youth decide for themselves what to do, but also enabling them to have a voice and impact on what is being offered in their local communities.  


En Frisk Generation – addresses health inequalities by engaging primary school children and their families in programmes that are active and promote health lifestyles.
A Frisk Generation is a non-profit organization whose activities help break the trend of unequal health by giving all families the opportunity for an active community. A community that is not based on specific skills, money or achievement - here everyone can join in. We aim to inspire families to a more active and healthy lifestyle by arranging sport activities and games and providing knowledge about heathy food and physical activities in order for the parents to support their children, and to give the children better conditions growing up – a better health, a safer environment and a sense of belonging.
A Frisk Generation is a non-profit, non-partisan and religiously independent organization that, together with municipalities, companies and organizations, works for a more equal health for all. 

Korpen Svenska Motionsidrottsförbundet – Is the national Swedish Exercise & Sports Association that links clubs, communities and businesses together, launching regional and national sports initiatives to encourage activity for all. It is the first point of contact for finding local sports initiatives.

Korpen Svenska Motionsidrottsförbundets history dates back more than 75 years. When it all started, it was above all about offering different professional groups an opportunity to play sports together by, for example, playing football or bandy against each other.

Today, the organization is adapted to modern sports, but there is still a lot of focus on company sports and activities in the workplace. Korpen today has more than 200 associations all over Sweden, all of which are responsible for their own activities.

Korpen Svenska Motionsidrottsförbundet complements the rest of the sports movement in the country and offers its members about 90 different activities. The wide range means that the organization can attract a broad target group of all ages to exercise without demands on results and performance. Being part of Korpen Svenska Motionsidrottsförbundet is about joy, community and having fun together.

Fight for Zero - works to inspire and realise youth potential! We work to reduce and counter crime, violence and social exclusion in vulnerable areas.

We work to realise youth potential through a combination of early preventive activities such as boxing, education and personal development. It promotes inclusion, improves health and supports young people to realise their potential.

Fight for Zero's vision is a society without violent crime. We are working towards a zero vision against violence in Sweden.

BK Norrköping Tillsammans - is social inclusion programme that uses football to help support young people through school and in the wider community.  

The sports club BK Norrköping Tillsammans and the football school Bollis was founded to give children in the socioeconomic weakest areas in Norrkoping a solid ground and a secure and developing place to play team sports, free of charge. 
Bollis follows the convention on the rights of the child, where the focus is on children’s equal value and children's right to development, impact, and leisure. The goals and methods aim to activate the children through movement in their free time and at the same time create an understanding of group dynamics and team spirit. The Bollis-kids also gain a better understanding of rules through fair play, which stimulates mutual respect between supervisors and children. The activity also strives to strengthen the friendship between children from different cultures, which in turn gives the children new friends and role models, both in their own class and outside the classroom. Bollis takes place twice a week throughout the school year. 

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