Nelson Mandella

‘Sport has the power to change the world’ – Nelson Mandela, 2000 Laureus World Sports Awards

25 Years of Laureus

‘Sport has the power to change the world’ – Nelson Mandela, 2000 Laureus World Sports Awards


Sport for Good Annual Review Case Study - Women and Girls

Women & Girls is one of the 6 Social Focus Areas that Laureus Sport for Good provides funding and support to enable programmes to tackle, aligned to the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs).
Laureus’ objective in this area is to promote equality, empowerment, and safety amongst young women and girls. Women and girls need to be treated with equality, empowered to achieve anything they want to and feel safe within their own communities. Sport can fill young women and girls with the personal confidence and capabilities to make these aspirations a reality.
Case Study – Emma – kick mit (Austria)
Emma was born 1999 in Ethiopia and sold by her parents to a wealthy family for whom she worked as a home help, first in Ethiopia and then in Austria. Not fully understanding her options and lacking in self-belief, she assumed that this life was all that was on offer to her.
She was in school for two years when she joined kick mit programme. By participating in the girls’ football course she discovered the courage and self-confidence to face her situation. Her belief has grown to the extent she is now an Assistant Coach on the programme.
Last year she was finally able to finish high school education and was granted the right to stay in Austria. What’s more, she was able to dissociate herself from the wealthy family with whom she had previously been tied.
Annual Review 2019 – Women/Girls Headline Facts
In 2019 alone, as a direct result of Laureus Sport for Good funding and support:
  • 80,713 participants in Women/Girls programmes
  • 55,103 recognise their rights to a life free from violence
  • 32,561 will contribute to girls’ and women’s equal participation and leadership
  • 15,349 know their rights and feel equal economic, political and/or social roles exist for them
Case Study – Emma – kick mit (Austria)

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