One of the key success factors of MCHK is the establishment of a functioning Steering Group, which throughout the programme, is responsible for ensuring the programme activities support the Visions for Change, contribute to the grant evaluation process and support the overall
success of the programme.
Each Model City programme intentionally convenes a wide range of associations and actors beyond Sport for Development; in Hong Kong’s case, this includes those focused on mental health, schools, universities, youth groups, and other local NGOs. This is to ensure that a broad representation of perspectives and expertise are involved in the planning process, and to promote collaboration in tackling the stigma surrounding mental health in Hong Kong and to bring about greater impact.
Sinéad Dowling is the Laureus coordinator for the Model City programme in Hong Kong. She has been involved in the programme since June 2021, and focuses mainly on Steering Group coordination, relationship development and grant management.
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