Nelson Mandella

‘Sport has the power to change the world’ – Nelson Mandela, 2000 Laureus World Sports Awards

25 Years of Laureus

‘Sport has the power to change the world’ – Nelson Mandela, 2000 Laureus World Sports Awards

covid-19 response

covid-19 response

How we're supporting our programmes during the Covid-19 pandemic

In these challenging times of uncertainty brought about by the global Covid-19 pandemic, we want to use our platform to spread key messages and helpful information to support the Laureus family and wider communities.

In an effort to share knowledge, learnings and best practice we will use this page to share information as well as toolkits, resources and advice from our programmes and the sector. Over the coming days and weeks, this page will be updated with key learnings as the sport for development community around the world unites in the worldwide effort to combat Covid-19.

On the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace, we hosted three online webniars, one in each of the following regions: Americas, EMEA, APAC, to demonstrate the power of sport. See webinars below.


Sport for Good response fund

Uniting the global sporting community's efforts to protect vulnerable children and young people in the aftermath of Covid-19.

Join the informal Laureus online sharing communities on Covid 19:

Response fund question and answer session recording

We hosted an online Q&A to tell more about the Response Fund, and to allow for anyone interested in applying to ask questions about the fund.

find out more about the response Fund
By connecting to a meeting, you are by default giving us your consent to share a recording of the meeting on our website, via social media, and in direct messages to other organisations seeking inspiration. See below for full disclaimer notice.

These meetings will be hosted weekly at more or less the same time. Please check this space for information about time and place for next online meeting.

If you did not listen in to the inaugural meetings, here are the recordings Including USA and South African Foundations:

Toolkits and training for people to use at home


Working from home

Humanitarian action

We would like to encourage any sport or sport for development organisation who wish to support the response against Covid 19 to connect with an experienced humanitarian agency or the relevant ministry or department in your country. Without the required humanitarian skillset and experience, engaging in humanitarian action can do more harm than good. We include links to some of the leading international humanitarian organisations:

In the complex set of international standards on humanitarian action, the response refer to mainly two sections: Global standards on Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion, and Health.


Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies collate resources to support organisations and education centers, with particular focus on distance learning, alternative education, psychosocial support, and more.

Your organisation in crisis

Covid 19 Non-Profit Tool Kit from 20 degrees.

other Funding for Covid-19 reponse

CAF Corona virus emergency fund is to help smaller charitable organisations in the UK affected by the impact of Covid-19. Grants of up to £10,000 are available.

Crowfunder and Sport England have teamed up to make £1 million of match funding available to help the sport and physical activity sector through the ongoing coronavirus crisis.

The Department for Culture, Media and Sport’s ‘Loneliness Covid-19 Fund’ is now open to tackle loneliness during the pandemic. 

On 4th June, our partner Oaks will host a webinar to discuss resilient fundraising strategies in the post Covid 19 landscape:  Book now, registration necessary. 
Note: We are currently looking for more links to funders with dedicated funds to the current situation that organisations in the sport for development space could potentially access.
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©2020 Laureus Sport for Good Foundation. All rights reserved. Any use of these materials including reproduction, modification, distribution or republication, without the prior written consent of Laureus is strictly prohibited. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

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